Everyday Sparkle

Why, hello there! I suggest that you listen to this song while you read the next sentence. I bought a softbox! That means that I can take pictures even when the lighting is bad. Praise the Lord, amen!

MAC Studio SculpSt NC15
Rimmel Stay Matte Powder
Natural Collection Blusher "Peach Melba"

Urban Decay Primer Potion
MUA Brow Kit (both o eyebrows and eyelids)
L'oréal Super Liner
MUA Glitter Liner "1 Iced"
MUA Intense Colour Eyeliner Pencil "Snow White"
IsaDora Precision Mascara

IsaDora Jelly Kiss "Ballerina"
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Taggar: MAC, MUA, NC15, Primer Potion, Sudio Sculpt, Urban Decay, isadora, jelly kiss, rimmel
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